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What to do if the cat does not use the litter box and how to train it

As we all know, cats are more clean animals. We often see them bury their excrement with their paws when they go to the toilet.

This is because before cats are domesticated by humans, they must always guard against natural enemies to ensure their own safety. One way to hide their information is to bury feces. This life-related skill has been inherited from generations to today's cats, and it is still present in the cat's genes as a way of survival, which explains why cats actively use cat litter to bury their poop.


However, some cats will not bury their feces, which can cause a bad smell at home. The cat at home doesn't care about hygiene, what should we do? How to teach cats to use the litter box?

Question 1: The cat is too young to learn the necessary survival skills from the mother cat, and does not know how to cover up his poop.

Solution: When the kitten is just born or brought back from the outside by the owner, they don’t know where its toilet is. It’s actually not very useful if you hold it directly in the litter box. The correct way is to use odor induction method, the cat's sense of smell is very sensitive, and can tell which side to go to the toilet based on the smell of the poop. The cat owner can bury the cat's poop in the litter.

Question 2: After changing to a new environment, the cat cannot find the litter box smoothly and urinates at home, causing trouble to the owner.

Solution: Let the cat become familiar with the defecation environment. The owner can first bring the cat to get familiar with the surrounding environment, and guide the cat to the litter box when the cat wants to defecate, so that the cat will get used to it after a long time.

Question 3: if the litter basin hasn't been cleaned for a long time, the cat will not use it when it smells bad smell or the litter is dirty. The cat prefers to be clean. If the litter is dirty, the cat will dislike it, so the cat will defecate in the room.

Solution: therefore, the cat owner should clean the litter on time, usually twice a day. However, if the cat eats more, the cat may defecate more frequently, so the cat owner should also increase the frequency of cleaning the litter. 

Question 4: The reason why some kittens refuse to go to the toilet in the litter box is probably because they don't like this cat litter and hate the smell or touch of the litter, which will affect the cat's behavior!

Solution: Choose the cat litter that the cat likes. Generally, cats prefer cat litter with a lighter smell and less dust. Then the cat owner can look at this kind of cat litter when choosing, and then choose a cat litter suitable for cat.

Question 5: cats are under too much psychological pressure. They can't control their defecation due to fear, worry or tension.

Solution: because the cat has just come to a new environment and is faced with a new owner, everything is very nervous, so at this time, don't rush to teach the kitten how to use the litter, but first accompany it to adapt to the environment and enhance the feelings.

Question 6: Cats always urinate and urinate as they want, and are not subject to discipline.

Solution: Master the time and regularity of cat defecation. Before the cat develops good habits, pay close attention to the cat's behavior. When the cat is found to have signs of defecation, guide the cat in time or trap it in a fixed litter box to make it urinate.

When training them, we can first demonstrate what we need to do. We can dig the litter a few times by hand, and then put them on it to excrete. After excretion, we can cover their excreta, so that the cat can understand the use of litter. When the cat is not buried properly after going to the toilet, we need to catch them back and let them see their excrement. When they see it, they will bury it again with their paws. When the cat successfully uses the litter basin to excrete, we can give them some snacks as a reward to make them understand that their current behavior can be rewarded, so as to encourage them to use the litter box.



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